7 Steps to Increase Your Media Coverage

DMOs and tour suppliers, keeping your online media resources current should be top of mind. This ensures you are providing timely materials for journalists on deadline who need a quick product option or photo to complete an article. The following list was compiled by the editorial team of Courier, NTA’s official monthly trade publication. When time is of the essence and information is needed immediately, you can increase the likelihood that you’ll see your destination or company promoted in the media by following these simple, seven suggestions.

NTA’s Courier magazine

  1. Press releases: Maintaining a page on your website with current news helps writers on the go. Ensure that your press releases are up to date and posted in chronological order.
  2. Photo gallery: Photos can be tricky because of rights usage. You can make it easy for travel writers by having a downloadable gallery of high-resolution images that can be accessed immediately. If you require registration to monitor those who want to use your images, that’s understandable, but having to wait for a staff member to approve access to a photo gallery is a challenge to the writer who needs something quickly. Photo galleries can be on your website, on your Facebook page or maintained on Flickr. Please be sure to include how you want photo credits to be listed.
  3. Contact us: It’s a good idea to have a page of your communications team with headshots, names, titles, phone numbers and emails as opposed to a general, fill-in-the-box comment/question page.
  4. Festivals and events: Provide a list of the top five to 10 festivals and events in your area with dates (current and next year if available) and a short description. While your website may have a searchable calendar, the list tells writers which events are the main ones.
  5. Sample itineraries: Having access to sample itineraries helps a writer understand and get a feel for your destination. These can be compiled by day or a week as well as themed, such as student, adventure, culinary, history, etc.
  6. New product: Tour operators and travel writers have one thing in common—both always want to know what’s new! Have a place on your website with new product options in your area.
  7. Story ideas: Does your destination, attraction or lodging property have a unique story that tour operators and travelers will find fascinating? If so, let the media tell it for you! A list of three to five story ideas is helpful when a writer is on deadline and needs an angle in a hurry.

These seven things can help give you an edge to reach travel writers in your quest for coverage. What exciting things are happening in your destination or company? Feel free to comment or share them here—you never know; it could end up in print!

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  1. […] is the question you wanted, right? We gave you ways to increase your media exposure in a Do Big Things blog last month, and a journalist’s query is the desired outcome. The […]

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